Online teaching resources

This will collect resources about online teaching and will be periodically updated.

There is a good series of posts on online teaching in Philosophy at the Philosopher's Cocoon blog. Look at this list. It will be growing!

[In the above list, here are some posts I thought particularly useful: (This is more oriented to people moving an in person course online for the end of the semester, but there is still good advice here.)]

Here is something about holding office hours online.

Here are some notes from the Humanities Division Visual Resource Center, specifically for Art History but generally applicable.

Here is a new blog for Remote Teaching in the Humanities at UChicago. It should be functional soon.

Valerie Levan has developed a survey to administer to your students. Instructions will be in a separate post.

You will have received documents from the Center for Teaching and from the Master of the Collegiate Humanities Division about remote teaching. They are full of useful information (including some of the above links). They will be posted in separate posts for ease of reference.

I have added a post about Zoom tutorials which may be useful.

There is also a new post about Zoom-bombing and how to avoid it.

Go to this post for a link to a tutorial about making videos using Panopto.


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